
Korea Digital Sextant

K Digital Sextant

is the first electronic sextant in the world which is certified by CE and FCC.
And this has well combined with the mechanical part of the traditional sextant to fix the position of the ship very quickly when GPS occurs any problems (Malfunction, Jamming and Failure)
It will be definitely best back up device of GPS during voyage on the ocean.

K Digital Sextant solves headaches of officers on board to fix ship’s position on the ocean!

Developed the world’s first Digital Sextant equipped with a processing unit that automatically calculates the position of the ship by measuring the elevation angle of celestial bodies such as the sun while the ship is sailing

Navigation aids for calculating the position in situations such as malfunction or failure of the satellite navigation system

Providing calculation conveniently than traditional astronomical positioning system by complicated celestial calculation and drawing LOP(Line of Position)

Published by Gilles B.

Passionné de technologie depuis plus de 40 ans, j'aime vous partager mes découvertes.

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